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Constitution and By-Laws of the Click here to download a pdf copy of the BylawsARTICLE I – NAME The name of this organization shall be San Jose Classic Chevy Club. ARTICLE II – PURPOSE
ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIPMembership shall be open to all persons with a genuine interest in the preservation and restoration of Classic Chevrolet vehicles. However, ownership of a Classic Chevrolet is not required for membership. Membership entails the obligation to pay dues to the Club. The Club is family oriented, and each family member is included as a Club member on payment of dues to the Club by any family member. Voting rights are given to all members over the age of eighteen with each family membership limited to a maximum of two (2) votes. ARTICLE IV – OFFICERSThe officers shall consist of:
Any member in good standing shall be eligible to hold one of the offices, providing he/she has been a member for six (6) months and has attended meetings and functions for the last year. The last two requirements may be waived by a vote at the general meeting. In any case, the member running for office must be current in dues owed to the Club. The officers of this Club shall be elected annually by the membership of the Club and shall serve for one (1) year. The PRESIDENT shall be the chief officer of this Club and shall preside at all meetings of its membership. The PRESIDENT shall supervise all affairs of the Club. The VICE-PRESIDENT shall preside at the Club meetings/functions when the PRESIDENT is absent or the office becomes vacant. In the event the office of the PRESIDENT becomes vacant, the VICE-PRESIDENT becomes PRESIDENT and a new VICE-PRESIDENT is elected. The VICE-PRESIDENT shall assist the PRESIDENT. The VICE-PRESIDENT will also greet guests and introduce guests, prospective members, and new members to the membership at the general meeting. The SECRETARY shall record the proceedings of the Club meetings and shall be empowered to certify jointly with the PRESIDENT as to such proceedings. The SECRETARY shall handle all correspondence and maintain the attendance records for the Club. The TREASURER shall have custody of all Club funds and securities and shall maintain full and accurate accounts to all receipts and disbursements in the Club ledgers and related books. The TREASURER shall deposit all moneys, securities, and other valuable effects and belonging to the Club in such depositories as may be designated for that purpose by the membership. The TREASURER shall disburse the funds of the Club as may be directed by the membership. Proper documentation, receipts, vouchers, etc. will support all disbursements. The TREASURER shall render to the officers and the membership at the regular meetings, or as otherwise directed by them, an account of all the transactions and the financial condition of the Club. The signature of the TREASURER shall be required to disburse Club funds, with membership approval. In the absence of the TREASURER, the signature of either the PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, or SECRETARY shall be required to disburse Club funds, with membership approval. The NEWS EDITOR shall compile, type, reproduce, and mail or email the monthly Newsletter. The Club treasury will pay the newsletter expenses. The newsletter is important in that the membership relies on it for timely and accurate information about the Club and associated activities. The WEBMASTER creates and/or maintains the SAN JOSE CLASSIC CHEVY website and the Club roster. Information on the site should include a section of contacts for prospective members and guests, as well as the monthly meeting information and calendar of events. Other sections can include pictures, past events, current newsletter, and other sections of interest to Club members. Funds will be made available for operation of the website. The WEBMASTER will be expected to submit original receipts for reimbursement for the cost of the website hosting and domain registration. The HISTORIAN shall maintain the Club picture book, take photos at functions and maintain the Club archives. The HISTORIAN shall display the photos at meetings. The HISTORIAN is also responsible for the Club's technical library. The CAR SHOW CHAIRPERSON shall be responsible for the production of the annual Car Show, Toy and Food Drive held annually in November. The CAR SHOW CHAIRPERSON shall have the following responsibilities: The authority to schedule appropriate car show planning meetings and designate car show sub-committees as appropriate; act as liaison between the event host and the Club; oversee the car show budget; coordinate the show volunteers; work with the Club’s PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER to plan and effect show advertisement; act as liaison between show sponsors/contributors and the car show; maintain a binder of plans, notes, sponsors/contributors, receipts, etc. of each years’ show; and give status reports to the Club at regular Club meetings. To be eligible for the position of CAR SHOW CHAIRPERSON, a Club member must have actively participated in a minimum of two San Jose Classic Chevy Club’s Annual Car Show, Toy and Food Drives. The ACTIVITIES CHAIRPERSON(S) shall be responsible for selecting Club activities, which are of interest to the membership. He/she is responsible for organizing and insuring that activities are properly executed when there is interest and a reasonable assurance of good attendance by the membership. The PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER shall be responsible for coordinating Club participation in events, i.e. car shows, exhibits, parades, etc. The PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER is responsible for representing the Club to the general public, media, etc. The HOST/HOSTESS duties include greeting guests and visitors at meetings and Club events. He/she will insure that prospective members receive all Club handouts. He/she will also oversee the service of refreshments and is responsible for the monthly raffle.
Any member may resign by written notice to any Club Officer. His/her
resignation shall become effective upon receipt and upon payment of any
dues owed to the Club. The Club will assume that a member has resigned
when his/her dues are delinquent for 4 months or more. The Club will stop
mailing or emailing the Newsletter, remove the member from email lists,
and deactivate the member access to the members only section of the
ARTICLE VI - MEETINGS The regular meeting of the Club shall be held once a month at a date and time determined by the membership. The annual election meeting shall be held in January of each year for the purpose of election of officers. Other meetings shall be held during the year for conducting business, which may come before the Club. If a date and/or time are changed, the membership shall be notified by email, text message, telephone, or other means. Special meetings may be called by the PRESIDENT and/or by the request of five (5) or more members. All members are to be notified by mail, email, and/or telephone as to the time and location. Officers' meetings may be held quarterly on the first Tuesday of January, April, July, and October or at the discretion of the PRESIDENT. Officer attendance is requested, but any and all members are welcome to attend. All new business is to be presented at the Officers' meeting for discussion and/or action. All issues presented to or by the board have a limit of 15 minutes discussion by the general membership when the issue is presented at the general meeting. The limit may be extended if the PRESIDENT deems it necessary. If an issue is not resolved after two meetings, a committee will be formed to discuss the outstanding issue. This committee will meet with the officers and a resolution will be announced at the general meeting. A member may ask that a fundraiser, drive or donation be taken for a particular cause if the following conditions are met:
ACTIVITIES ARTICLE VIII - DUES Dues are paid on a yearly basis with the year starting in January and ending in December. New members will pay dues on a pro-rated scale. The dues are established by the membership. The current yearly dues (due in January) are $30.00
with a pro-rating of dues for new members according to the following
Update History:
Changes to Bylaws:
Copyright ©
January, 2021
San Jose Classic Chevys
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